About SOI Asia

About SOI Asia

The SOI Asia Project (Chair: Prof. Jun Murai, Keio University) was launched in 2001 as a platform for inter-university education programs among universities throughout Asia, with the purpose of establishing a wide area Internet education platform utilizing satellite technologies, collaborating with AI3 project (Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives project).

As of 2022, this project has 28 university & research institute partners in 13 countries in Asia and Pacific, and has conducted 30 graduate level courses (over 300 lectures), and more than 100 real time sessions including conference broadcasting and seminars, which have been shared by more than 3,000 students in Asia. Platforms for the sharing of higher education are operated by all member universities, enabling sharing of both real time and archived lectures as well as supporting an array of other educational programs that facilitate the development of constructive and cooperative relationships among members.